Thursday, November 12, 2009

Love For My Daughter

Wow ! It's almost been 15 days since I've blogged about things. I have been so busy with my jewelry business, the mess from my kitchen fire, my volunteer job, and taking care of my house and family, I often forget to blog. I don't have many followers yet, but this is my space to vent, reflect, and discuss (even if it is just with me ;) ) things going on in the life of my daughter and our family.

Yesterday for some reason I got extremely worried about my daughter getting the swine flu, she has not received her flu shot yet I called to make the appt. but they were booked.....they told me to call back in a few weeks....what???

I got to thinking about all the things I love about her and I shared some of them on my personnel face book page, but I want to share them and more here. Here goes:

I love her personality, her heart, her attitude, her sweet little voice, her helpfulness, her thoughtfulness, the way she loves her daddy, the way she says "I love chou mama", I love the way she dances when we fix her chocolate milk, I love the way she loves kitty kitties, I love the way she asks for "chokit", I love the way she says "mama I wanna hold chou", I love when she puts those sweet little arms around my neck, I love how she plays tickle, tickle, I love when she sings, I love when she falls asleep in my arms, I love the way she loves her granny Gale and papa Ski, I love the way she says "looky, looky," when she sees something she likes, I love the she says pawpaw, I LOVE the way she laughs, I LOVE her with all my heart. I can't get enough of this precious Angel, God has given me to raise and protect. I could hold her until the cows come home EVERYDAY.

If you are considering adoption, and one of your doubts is whether or not you will love your baby, I hope I can help take some of that worry off of your heart, I know those doubts, I know those worries, but let me tell you, even if I had carried this Angel under my heart for nine months, I do not know how I could possibly love her any more. She is my world, she is my heart, she is my life, she is the love of my life. This angel from God saved my soul from so much despair. This angel makes everyday worth getting up for. This angel has made me complete. This angel has brought my husband and I together closer than before, and I thought we were so close before. This angel has made my LIFE complete.